Saturday, April 3, 2010

Level 2: Einfühlung Or Aesthetic Empathy

Another reaction that the art of Marilyn Manson causes in its many manifestations, whether music, performance, videos, short films and other visual experiences is a genuine desire to connect with the feelings of others.

This was described in the theory of Einfühlung, equivalent to the German word "empathy."

If art styles previously described (Expressionism, Modernism, Fauvism, Surrealism) are a constant influence in the work of Manson they have the effect or "side effect" as "a spiritual action absolutely free while governing and corrects only internally, without the need to behave according to rules as in logical thinking. "

In the Einfühlung, external elements are part of the act of feeling.Within it there is an intense transformation and it grows with more empathy and sentimental freedom.

How many times have we heard that empathy is just putting yourself in other people's shoes? Ever since the release of the Triptych(Antichrist Superstar, Mechanical Animals, Holywood) Marilyn Manson has exhibited an association or empathy with different characters or martyrs, such as Jesus Christ, John F Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Charles Manson and recently Edgar Allan Poe, the Marquis de Sade and Lewis Carroll. The life example of each one of them has been quoted not so much personify or usurp their good names but to create a sense of understanding and introspection, i.e "if you start to understand me better understand them."

One of the most prominent authors of this theory was Theodor Lipps to describe this act as "aesthetic empathy." Another historian, Wilhem Worringer stated that there are two types of art; abstraction and empathy, which has been noticeable ever since the Renaissance period.