Monday, May 31, 2010

HELL, ETC to hit Mexico?...

Untitled, one of MM's first paintings circa 1997.

According to a very reliable source, which I can reveal anyway said this:
So I heard that you plan you come back to Mexico with the Hell, ETC., art exhibition ,is that true or is it still in the works?

MM: I'm planning to come back to Mexico sometime soon, the rest you can wait and see.

According to Grupo Reforma, one of the leading newspapers and news agency in the country wrote this:

MÉXICO DF, DF .- For the first time in Mexico, this side of the singer will be unveiled at an exhibition that brings together his recent works.
Oscar Cid de León / Agency Reforma MÉXICO City .- Transgression and darkness are words that define Marilyn Manson. In correspondence with his music, his imagery is governed by a personality that causes rejection while in some other charm. Because, although it is widely recognized within this field, the author of albums like The Golden Age of Grotesque Antichrist Superstar and also paints.

For the first time in Mexico, the latter aspect will be unveiled at an exhibition that seeks to bring together his most recent work. The location is still on track to be confirmed, but the production company that will allow their presence in the country, Ingrid Barajas, advances to take place during the first half of 2011. "Marilyn Manson's painting today, and what is being prepared an exhibition with their latest work. The first seeks to expose some of their parts and work with a Mexican curator (not yet confirmed), "Barajas forward in an interview.

What is sought, he said, for Mexico is to reveal the plastic side of the artist. With this show, the City would become the second Latin American city to expose the plastic task of the musician. Sao Paulo was the first, where in 2007 showed 29 pieces under the title The Flowers of Evil (Les Fleurs Du Mal), in allusion to the classic Charles Baudelaire, poet.Tentatively, Mexico will display the name of Hell, ETC. His own "hell" will be unveiled in at least 50 watercolors, portraits generally disfigured beings, mortuary, in expressions of grief, pain or hopelessness. Barajas say, some of which are mixtures of color with absinthe. This is a technique adopted by chance, when he accidentally rinsed the brush into a  drinking a glass rather do it in the water container that normally occupies.

Barajas, who heads the company 212 Productions, which last year made possible the photographer David LaChapelle exhibition at the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso, admiring the plastic task Manson, who qualifies as a highly intellectual person. "His work reflects that dark side that somehow we all have. He is a person who has learned to express her dark side without an opinion that the person on the bottom line is: a shy, pleasant, quiet, which otherwise externalized when singing. "

Manson's relationship with 212 Productions and was at the beginning of the decade, when in 202 the magazine Flaunt and producer he organized his first exhibition at the Exhibition Center of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles. "The possibility of exhibiting in Mexico enchanted him. He was not looking for it. It is something we proposed, "said Barajas. "He has many followers here. There is a lot of fans that he respects him. Has a group of fans, and even a few of them knew that he was also a painter." Manson, who also has a career as an actor and director film, he began painting in the late 1990s. His relationship with the art gallery also gives, as in Los Angeles owns the Celebritarian Corporation Gallery of Fine Art.

So he said: "A Latin American level, Marilyn Manson and showed their work once in Brazil, although it was a small sample. We, however, are preparing an exhibition of new works, at least 50 pieces or more, generally watercolors. "Ingrid Barajas, Director of 212 Productions

Other news sources:
Thanks for the info, MM!
So whether you're art sawy or not this will be one of most anticipated exhibitions tentatively for next year. 212 Productions has also brought some really amazing photographers like David La Chapelle, who has also worked with Manson several times, as well as the Lady Gaga. You can also check out his work at: