Saturday, October 15, 2011

Diamond Lipstick

Diamond Lipstick

Well, this is going to be a review on Clarity Diamond Lipstick in 120.

I’m strangely in love with orange-y, coral-y and peachy shades. I don’t know why they are an obsession of mine, when there are very few shades in the market, which really suit my skin. Thus I have ended up with many lip wears which I later have to give someone else cuz they were completely useless for me. It was until I found this color that my thirst fulfilled.

Clarity Diamond Lipstick in 120 swatch
Clarity Diamond Lipstick in 120 swatch (indoor)
Clarity Diamond Lipstick in 120 swatch (outdoor)
Product Details:
This is an absolutely gorgeous color which has orange-y brown and golden (GOLDEN!!!) undertones to it, with sparkles and shimmer to it .I separate these two elements as sparkle is the shine with in and shimmer is diamond-y like stuff. It possesses both of them.

It comes like an ordinary lipstick case which is metallic. Now that was kinda cute to me cuz it is not going to hurt the product inside.

The lipstick itself has not only a beautiful color but what I like about it is the creamy nature of it.  I have never found the necessity of applying more than one coat of it .It gives such rich color and Pigmentation that wins heart. Just makes me wonder each time why they aren’t more lipsticks like that.

Clarity Diamond Lipstick in 120 swatches
Another thing which I like about Clarity lipstick is the seductive smell which comes out of it ,It’s like something tropical ,You are inclined to eat it .Its isn’t Over powering just to the right amount.
Some product which claim to by diamond-y ,they have a downside that the diamond scatters to whole face when applied ,even with some lip products the whole upper and lower lip are covered with sparkles. It is not at all the case with this one. You may notice diamonds left on lips once you wear it off but otherwise it stays put.

About the color itself, I have found the golden color more overwhelming because of its shimmery nature. I sometimes use an ordinary transparent lip gloss which doesn’t have much shine to itself to subdue that

I would mostly recommend it for more glamorous looks or with light color showed eyes .(Remember the rule? :Dark Lips -Light Shadow, Light Lips-Dark Shadows) .If you want to use it in common then Do what I do .I simply blot it forcefully on blotting paper or tissue and then apply color match lip-gloss or at times transparent one.